Artificial Intelligence applied to business

According to Eurostat data, 28% of European companies applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the last year, which is approximately one in three companies. These figures clearly show that AI is being developed and implemented rapidly within the business fabric.

This development translates into multiple benefits, such as more efficient process management, better decision-making, safer transportation, and more immediate communication networks. But what is AI, and why is it advisable to incorporate it into your business?

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that focuses on creating systems that have the ability to perform tasks by mimicking the way humans process information, such as learning or decision-making.

These systems are developed using algorithms and models that can improve their performance as they process more data, making them applicable across various applications, sectors, and business models.

Recent advances and the potential of AI applied to companies to automate obsolete tasks and improve efficiency have led to an accelerated increase in its adoption across different processes.

While it is true that many of these processes can be performed by humans, the reality is that this technology not only does it much faster, but also allows the automation of these business processes making them more efficient.

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Statistics on the application of AI in companies

The benefits of implementing AI in the business world are such that, according to consulting firm Gartner, by 2025, the use of AI will lead technology investment for companies.

Regarding the implementation of AI in the national landscape, in 2022 11.8% of Spanish companies used artificial intelligence systems for different purposes depending on the economic sector in which they operated.

According to the report Use of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Spanish Companies published by the National Observatory of Technology and Society (Ontsi), 41.9% of information and communications companies used artificial intelligence technology, a percentage similar to that recorded among TIC firms (41.3%).

Of the companies that used artificial intelligence in 2022, 46.2% did so to automate workflows and assist in decision-making, while 39.7% applied it for identifying people or objects based on images.

Among microenterprises, 48% found the greatest utility in AI for converting spoken language to readable format.

The impact of AI on companies

AI is a great support for all types of businesses, including the most traditional.

Every company needs to manage enormous amounts of data related to sales, stock and logistics, customers, inquiries, and suppliers… And, precisely, Artificial Intelligence allows for faster processing and management of this data, enabling us to optimize work within each department and, consequently, optimize processes and resources, including the human team.

Increased productivity

The increase in employee performance and the productive capacity of companies is the main benefit of implementing artificial intelligence. Specifically, using intelligent chatbots to automatically manage routine processes in customer service helps free up workers so they can better utilize their time, dedicating it to higher value or more complex tasks.

Greater customer knowledge

The chatbot assists thousands of users simultaneously and gathers relevant information from each of them, such as consumption habits, preferences, recurring buying behavior, characteristics of the buyer’s profile, frequently asked questions about products, etc.

All this data is very useful for the company, as it allows for adjusting customer support options, identifying trends and consumption preferences, or addressing any issues with a product.

Better user experience

The use of AI in communication and customer loyalty strategies is undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing trends in the market.

The implementation of intelligent software programs represents a powerful tool for providing automated, personalized responses in real time to inquiries from customers or potential customers.

This capability has led companies to utilize automated conversation systems to allow customers to autonomously manage inquiries, resolve doubts, carry out transactions and management of contracted products, schedule appointments or make reservations, or receive assistance during the purchasing process, among other functionalities such as receiving product recommendations based on their history and navigation.

Higher sales conversion rate

Artificial intelligence software or systems can be configured to act as sales assistants in the purchasing process.

For instance, intelligent chatbots utilize browsing data, past purchase history, viewed products, and abandoned carts to overcome all possible barriers to successfully completing a purchase. Chatbots can also be used as tools in commercial processes to automate document management, invoices, or the acquisition of potential customers.

Improvement of products and services

The analysis of large amounts of data provided by AI and its various applications is of high value to companies.

By identifying patterns in the history of user queries, information on strengths and weaknesses in both products and services can be obtained. This helps companies to improve or even develop new products and make notifications to their services to cover more customer needs, with strategic benefits in the medium and long term.

Artificial Intelligence, a reality in te business world

As you can see, the future of Artificial Intelligence is already a reality for businesses, regardless of size or sector.

AI ins not science fiction; machines can already be trained to think and make decisions on behalf of your business. Its implementation may not be easy, but is promising. That’s why we recommend that you put yourself in the hands  of experts so that together we can scale your business.

Grow your business with Aunoa Artificial Intelligence

Transforming your business is possible with our chatbots with artificial intelligence. Quickly and easily, you can improve your customer service, communicate with your customers throught different conversational channels and manage all queries centrally.

Contact our team of specialists or request a personalised demo where you can learn about the benefits of applying conversational AI to your business.

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