Conversational AI

AI technologies combined to deliver effective conversations and interactions


Conversations between companies and customers

can be complex… so we have designed a solution to simplify this process!

We design

Conversational Artificial Intelligence solutions that allow you to go beyond automated responses to frequently asked questions.

We integrate

The conversational channels most used by your customers to help you be where your customers are.

We combine

Different AI technologies so the communication with your customers is through conversations, fluid and automated.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational artificial intelligence is the combination of natural language processing and machine learning, and it has the goal of generating human-like conversations in conversational channels.

How Aunoa technology works

We merge commercial generative AI models (OpenAI, Google and Antrophic), with our own models to lead the generative AI revolution.

Instant Messaging

Be where your customers are.

AI Chatbots

The software that combines these technologies and allows automated conversations through instant messaging applications is known as a chatbot.

NPL - Machine Learning

Automate conversations, procedures and processes.

We ensure efficient interactions through chatbots with Artificial Intelligence.


Identifies through voice or text the intent and context of a query. This includes words, grammar, semantics and different ways of asking the same question.


Proposes suggestions to ambiguous questions when the comprehension rate is not optimal, ensuring a smooth conversation.



Evaluates different answer alternatives according to the percentage of understanding and selects the best one to solve the question correctly.



History of unidentified questions and unresolved queries, used to improve responsiveness and performance.


Move up your business with conversational AI is very easy


users per month




messages per month


of conversations per month


Natural and almost human conversations

NLP models allow AI chatbots to exchange messages that imitate the naturalness of a human conversation and, thanks to the training of our specialized team, you can ensure continuous improvement.

AI models can be adjusted to different languages, expressions and regionalisms.

Chatbots have the ability to identify orthotypographic mistakes and synonyms.

Emojis and voice messages enable humanizing experiences and messaging.

Personalized expressions to humanize conversations.


Human-supervised conversational AI

Conversational chatbots can be very beneficial, yes, indeed, they are effective! Continuous training and human supervision of AI chatbots ensures effective, less robotic conversations.

Our goal is to ensure continuous improvement through Supervised Conversational AI, knowledge base growth and proactivity in relation to user demands.


Review and proactivity

AI monitoring allows us to identify queries that are not in the Knowledge Base with the objective of increasing the model and achieving automation ratios above 90%.

Review of unresolved queries, correcting possible false positives or false negatives by retraining the system.

Analysis of the states most used by users to enrich the NPL of the model with different ways of performing the same query.

Verification of the degrees of confidence obtained in the NLP answers.

Evaluate the Live Chat conversations to identify points of improvement and growth for the Knowledge Base.

How it increased Customer Service Agent productivity by 230%

“Aunoa’s software has been helping us provide solutions that align with our customers’ needs.” This allows us to facilitate a quick response, shorten waiting times and eliminate potential frustrations, which is vital to the shopping experience”.




Contact our team to help you find the right chatbot for your business and receive a customised quote

Latest chatbot trends and ChatGPT

All about chatbots and ChatGPT. Find out how conversational AI redefines conversations. Explore the future of interaction!